TPR’s drive on data: Nathan Jones discusses the significance of The Pensions Regulator’s drive on data - ITM
TPR’s drive on data: Nathan Jones discusses the significance of The Pensions Regulator’s drive on data

TPR’s drive on data: Nathan Jones discusses the significance of The Pensions Regulator’s drive on data

Feb 12, 2018

TPR’s drive on data: Nathan Jones discusses the significance of The Pensions Regulator’s drive on data

What is this new push on data from The Pensions Regulator?

The Pensions Regulator (TPR) has announced a major new drive on raising the quality of pension scheme data. This follows the results of TPR’s 2016 Record Keeping and Administration Survey, which showed that industry progress towards improving record keeping had been much slower than had been hoped. As a result, TPR has mandated that all pension schemes will, for the first time, have to report their current data accuracy scores in the 2018 scheme return.

Click here to download Nathan’s full interview with Pensions Age


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